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Star of the Week

Congratulations to this Star of the Week. Demonstrating all school values of Joy, Responsibility, Inclusion, Respect and Resilience throughout each school day. Keep up the great work.

Congratulations to this Star of the Week. Well thought-out, expressive drawings whilst listening to a range of calm, happy, angry and surreal music.

Congratulations to this week's Star of the Week. Amazing expression during whole-class Reading - a true role-model. In Writing, his attitude to initiate writing his interesting ideas gets better and better. Keep it up!

Congratulations to this Star of the Week. He has been so supportive to other children when they are upset. He brings a positive attitude to the class and is passionate about his interests. Also, Sally said he had an an amazing Mini Musicians session - keep it up!!

Congratulations to this Star of the Week; respecting others, the school and herself. She supported others with their education, and also has a positive attitude to school.

A great start to this half-term by this Star of the Week. Great focus and hard work, and excellent contributions to class discussions. Keep it up!

Congratulations to this week's Star of the Week. Focusing and working hard all week which was noticed by many staff working in Liberty Class - superb!

Congratulations to this Star of the Week. Great attitude in many sessions such as Maths, French, Guided Reading, Muddy Boots, and more!! Keep up the good work.

Congratulations to this Star of Week. His mature ideas and interesting vocabulary in Writing and PSHE lessons demonstrated his extensive vocabulary and fantastic way with words. Well done!

What a superb week this Star of the Week had. Hard work in all subjects. Contributed brilliantly throughout Guided Reading. Produced interesting writing everyday and was ace at completing all of his Maths. Well done!!

Congratulations to this week's Star of the Week. She was amazing at supporting her peers when they needed help. She also asked questions to advance her learning, and just got stuck into every piece of work. Well done!

Congratulations to this week's Star of the Week. She produced interesting sentences about herself, focused really hard during handwriting practice, and was great at modelling alternative counting.
