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Student Council


At Merton Abbey, we have a successful and active Student Council.  


Aims and Objectives

  • To provide the opportunity for pupils to become partners in their own education and to make a positive contribution to the school environment and ethos.
  • To develop and promote children’s self-confidence, social skills and their responsible behaviour towards each other and towards their teachers and adult members of staff.
  • To develop the pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of how to contribute to society as a whole and what it means to be an active citizen.
  • To develop pupils effective speaking and listening skills.
  • To develop the pupils’ recognition of themselves as worthwhile individuals with a right to be heard.
  • To allow the children to have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others.
  • To allow children to become more responsible and actively involved in the decision-making process of the school.




Our Student Council Mission Statement is to ensure that our school is a safe space for everyone and to make sure that everyone has someone they can talk to. We also want to ensure that we help our school to continue to improve and help all children with their learning particularly with reading. We also want to make sure that our school focuses on sustainability to help save our planet.

Our Student Councillors 2021-2022
