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  • Rock Stars

    Fri 24 Nov 2017

    The unannounced arrival of four rock stars provided a very unusual ending to Friday assembly - and left the Year Four children screaming for more.  The special rock concert was held to launch Year Four's Rock Stars times tables competition.  Each week, children will be logging on to the Rock Stars website and practising their times tables facts.  Only the fastest children will achieve Rock Star status!  


    Very keen-eyed observers might notice our visiting rock stars bear more than a passing resemblance to the Year Four teaching team and a senior leader with a special interest in mathematics.

  • Ready, steady, cook! Cooking club at Merton Abbey

    Wed 22 Nov 2017

    Cooking club has arrived at Merton Abbey

    The club is a weekly lunchtime activity for children to learn how to cook a simple and healthy snack/lunch using fresh ingredients.  Miss Angus is leading the club and teaching the children basic cooking and food preparation techniques, developing their confidence in the kitchen - as well as introducing them to new foods they have not tasted or cook with before.


    The first two weeks of the club were for children in Year 6. They made stuffed peppers with couscous, feta cheese and olives. All the children who attended got a chance to prepare their peppers, make the couscous, chop onions and garlic and, most importantly, stuff their peppers. The children took their peppers home to share with their families and a received a recipe sheet so they can make the peppers again at home.


    Children from other year groups will have a chance to take part in cooking club as the term progresses.

  • Merton Abbey Art Exhibition

    Fri 10 Nov 2017

    The budding artists at Merton Abbey Primary School have been busy creating original artworks and these pictures have been displayed in an exhibition in our school hall.  Over the last two days, our exhibition has received hundreds of appreciative visitors.  Thank you to all the teachers for their hard work teaching our art curriculum - and especially to Mr Oglesby, our art subject leader.  Most of all, we say congratulations to the children for their effort and achievement in their art work.
