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Our Merton Abbey Curriculum

The Curriculum is not just a list of subjects taught in a school. The Curriculum describes everything that goes on in a school and helps children to learn about the world around them. Our inclusive, rigorous and engaging curriculum has been designed to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life and society.

  • All children must be valued equally whatever their stage of development and are entitled to experience the maximum sense of success and the minimum sense of failure.
  • All children must be afforded equality of opportunity and not be discriminated against on the grounds of class, race, colour, gender, religion or disability.
  • Personal development is a life-long learning process.
  • The provision of education is a partnership between schools, parents the wider community, each having contributions to make to the development of the other.

We believe that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that develops the whole child.

Our curriculum principles and aims


For more information, please refer to our Curriculum policy

Our curriculum 2024-2025

EYFS Curriculum 2024 2025

To obtain further information about our school curriculum, please contact our curriculum leader, Miss Dougan, via the school office (0208 542 7129).
