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Sports Premium

At Merton Abbey Primary School we aim to establish a sporting culture that enables and encourages all children to play and enjoy sport.

Our aim for Primary PE and sport is for all our pupils to be physically literate with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.  


Our Sports Premium Vision

We aim to Improve the quality of the school P.E. programme by:

  • Auditing staff to highlight development areas
  • Employment of sports specialist to teach pupils and mentor staff into improving their practice.
  • Investigate and explore good practice from other schools to further improve our P.E. curriculum
  •  Establish an extra-curricular team/multi games club to develop children’s skills and involvement in sport
  • Provide additional training and coaching for children in school teams to develop their skills as part of our gifted and talented offer
  • Enter teams into a wide range of school sport competitions
  • Create inter-school sport competitions to provide further competitive opportunities for children
  •  Deliver an exciting and memorable sports day
  • Link a sports event with a charity scheme to support the wider world
  • Utilize our year 5 and 6 play leaders to organize and run exciting and memorable physical activities during break and lunch times.

Our current Sports Premium report
