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'Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education aims to help children and young people deal with the 

real-life issues they face as they grow up.' [Sir Alasdair Macdonald, CBE]


'Where else but PSHE lessons are these issues going to be effectively addressed?' [Janet Palmer, HMI]

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education helps pupils to keep healthy and safe and prepares them for life and work in modern Britain. It teaches pupils about the pressing issues facing young people today: from mental health to understanding the importance of staying safe online, healthy and safe relationships, making sense of media messages, challenging extreme views and having the skills and attributes to negotiate a potentially volatile labour market.

At Merton Abbey, we teach PSHE to help children manage their lives, now and in the future. Our vision statement says that we want children 'to flourish as individuals; and to fully understand the value of helping others to flourish too.'

PSHE education helps us to achieve that aim.

The PSHE subject leader is Lisa Laker

PSHE Curriculum Map 2024-2025

PSHE Covering Relationship and Sex Education

PSHE Progression of Vocabulary
