Key Stage 2 Results
Key Stage 2 Results
Key Stage 2 results
In Summer 2023, children in Year 6 took the national Key Stage 2 tests and we are pleased that Merton Abbey pupils achieved our best results ever, going above national and Merton averages.
Reading, writing and mathematics - combined
This table shows the proportion of children who achieved the expected standard in all three subjects: reading, writing and mathematics.
| Expected standard | |
Merton Abbey | National | |
Reading, writing and mathematics | 67% | 60% |
This table shows the proportion of children who achieved the higher standard (Greater Depth) in all three subjects: reading, writing and mathematics.
| Greater depth standard | |
Merton Abbey | National | |
Reading, writing and mathematics | 11% | 8% |
Individual subjects
This table shows the proportion of children who achieved the expected standard or the greater depth standard in each individual subject.
| Expected standard | Greater depth standard | ||
Merton Abbey | National | Merton Abbey | National | |
Reading | 81% | 73% | 27% | 29% |
Writing* | 74% | 71% | 22% | 13% |
Mathematics | 78% | 73% | 41% | 24% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 70% | 72% | 44% | 30% |
*Writing is graded by teacher assessment, not an externally marked test.
The progress scores for Merton Abbey in 2023:
- The progress score for reading was -0.1 [Average]
- The progress score for writing was +2.3 [Average]
- The progress score for mathematics was +2.3 [Average]
The average scaled scores for Merton Abbey in 2023:
- The average scaled score in reading was 104
- The average scaled score in mathematics was 106
- The average scaled score in grammar, punctuation and spelling was 107