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Year 3 - Nelson Class

Welcome to Nelson Class News!

Academic Year 2024 -2025

Click here to listen ‘The Ocean’ and enjoy exploring Year 3 learning!

Y3 did it again!

Y3 won the attendance cup—well done! Let’s keep up the great effort and be at school every day!

Nelson Class at Deen City Farm - A Magical Nativity Experience

As part of the Y3 RE curriculum and Christmas festivities, Nelson Class visited Deen City Farm to participate in a live nativity experience. The children had the unique opportunity to fully experience the atmosphere of a stable, sitting on bales of hay surrounded by sheep. They actively participated by dressing up in traditional nativity costumes or playing musical instruments, bringing the story to life. Singing carols together added a joyful element and deepened their appreciation of the true meaning of Christmas.

RE Judaism -importance of Shabbat

In our RE lesson about Judaism, we learnt about the importance of Shabbat. We set up candles, shared bread, and prepared grape juice, just as Jewish families do to welcome the day of rest. This first hand experience helped us understand the meaning of family and tradition in Jewish culture.

Learning About the Past: Year 3 Explores Ancient Greece

Year 3 visited the British Museum to focus on ancient Greece. The children were interested in the Parthenon and looked at sculptures of gods and heroes from 2,500 BC. They also learnt about farming, household goods, and the types of toys children played with in ancient Greece, such as spinning tops, dolls, small clay animals, and knucklebones. The visit helped the children understand life in ancient Greece, develop an appreciation for the past and record their learnings about ancient Greece in their books.

Meet Cranium Craig: Exploring Bones in Year 3

In Year 3, we’ve been learning all about the skeleton with the help of our friend, Cranium Craig. We are exploring how calcium is essential for growing strong, healthy bones and are eagerly waiting to discover whether bones can dissolve in vinegar. It’s been an exciting journey uncovering the wonders of our skeleton!

Map Masters: Can You Ace the Geography Quiz?

Year 3 maths calculation policy
