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Getting involved

We want parents to be fully involved in the life of the school. We also want to build strong links with the local community. Parents and families often have hidden talents which can be useful to the school and the children. There are many ways to get involved:


  • Volunteering to help in a class on a regular basis
  • Accompanying children on educational visits
  • Working with the Friends of Merton Abbey for special events like the Year 6 Prom
  • Reading stories to children in English or your home language
  • Teaching children about festivals and explaining your religious beliefs
  • Running an activity such as gardening, crafts or cooking for children
  • Suggesting a new activity that school staff haven’t tried yet!


We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly staff. If you have any ideas about getting involved in the life of the school, please contact your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to meet Mr Bradley or Mr Knox.
