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Science at Merton Abbey Primary


“Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist.” – Carl Sagan


“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organising our curiosity.” – Tim Minchin


Science’s development over time has changed people’s lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Therefore, as part of a broad and well balance curriculum, all pupils should be taught the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key substantive knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.


At Merton Abbey, our school’s motto is ‘Working hard, and caring for each other’, and this is reflected in teaching the Science at our school; children achieving great success along their learning journey, taking pride in this and celebrating each other’s successes along the way. From Nursery to Year 6, it is our aim to encourage all our pupils to remain curious and passionate about enquiring. We believe that well taught science lessons are a key part of fuelling this sense of wonder and delight in finding out about the world. Who knows, perhaps some of the learners from Merton Abbey Primary today will use that passion to solving problems that will continue to change the world for the better in days to come?

The science subject leader is Monika Brown. 

Our Science Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Our progression in Disciplinary knowledge document 2024-2025

Useful links:

Time for British Science Week 2024

Last week, Merton Abbey School celebrated British Science Week with the theme of 'Time.'  The children had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers  about their profession and be involved in science activities. Clinical scientists not only enriched our children’s understanding of Cytogenetics but they also provided the practical task reinforcing engagement and understanding of DNA. Inspired by the visit from the nutritionist, Year 1 and Y3 children learnt how eating healthy food helps us stay strong over time. The children had an opportunity to design their own healthy plate and ‘Eat the rainbow' posters.

Through the week, the children also had the opportunity to take part in science activities delivered by their teachers. These first-hand experiences provided a valuable knowledge, joy and excitement. For British Science week, French lessons were tailored to include activities linked to the food enjoyed by dinosaurs and astronauts!

It was lovely to hear the discussions about science and see how well the children responded to the British Science Week experience.

This year's poster competition once again proved its popularity, drawing a fantastic turnout from children who showcased remarkable effort, creativity and unique ideas in designing high-quality posters. The school council members were impressed by the quality and imagination displayed by our pupils, prompting us to award runner-up certificates. Congratulations!

British Science Week 2023

Last week, Merton Abbey School celebrated British Science Week with the theme of 'Connections.'  Children in all year groups from Year 1 to Year 6 had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers including a doctor, a data scientist, a nutritionist and a forensic scientist.

Through the week, the Year 1 children had the opportunity to create their own slime. This hands-on activity was fun and provided a valuable learning experience for the children to learn about measurements.

Inspired by the visit from the nutritionist, Year 1 children designed 'Eat the rainbow' posters. Throughout the week, the children had the opportunity to talk about and research famous scientists, and they shared lots of interesting scientific information in front of their class. It was lovely to hear the discussions about science and see how well the children responded to the British Science Week experience.



Science Poster Competition 2023

This year's poster competition proved to be a popular event, with a fantastic turnout from children who put in great effort, creativity and unique ideas to design high-quality posters. 
